Story of a Girl

Randomly random musings from a 20-something Midwestern girl who hasn't accomplished much of anything... yet.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My new favorite thing EVER!

It's hard for me to admit this. It's like suddenly declaring that George W. Bush was the greatest president ever after my 8 years of hating him and pretty much every decision he ever made. It's like deciding that instead of loving alternative music, I have a newfound addiction to rap.

Ok, it's not as bad as the last one.

There's a new show that I like. I mean, really, really like. As in I DVR it every week and actually watch it the same night.

The show is on MTV.

Therein lies the problem.

The last show I followed on MTV was The Real World: New Orleans. I'm still in love with Matt, by the way. But that's neither here nor there.

After 10 years (I'm so fucking old) of hating MTV and everything it stands for, not to mention the lies within its name, I find myself addicted to one show.

Are you ready for this? This huge announcement that, although nothing to be ashamed of, still makes me quiver at the thought of letting it be known to the world that I LOVE this show?

I've fallen deeply, head-over-heels, no getting over it, in love with My Life as Liz.

She's the underdog, the nerd, the loser. She's the opposite of all the fake bitches she goes to school with. And can I tell you how much I want to punch that Cori Cooper bitch in the face? I hope she gets addicted to coke and ends up whoring herself out someday... soon.

Shut up, it's not like I wished for the trampy, stuck up little 17 year old to die or anything.

Seriously though. Watching this show makes me feel like I'm back in high school again. Not that I want to relive that time, it was fucking horrible, but still. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one who's life was so unfabulous, for lack of a better non-existent word.

Like tonight? When Liz was talking to Bryson and his girlfriend walked up to them? I've been through that moment before, when everything seems to be going soooooooooo well, and then it all falls apart. The only difference between her life and mine is that I wouldn't have had a huge group of friends waiting to carry me out of the school in celebration of her accomplishment.

I can't wait to see how the rest of Liz's senior year plays out. I want to know what will happen with Bryson, which one of her guy friends is in love with her, whether Taylor will totally quit being so far up Cori's ass, what college Liz will go to, whether or not the show will follow her to college (which would be awesome), all of it. For me, it's like going through high school all over again. Only this time, I understand it all the way Liz does. It's not as hard as I made it out to be, and it's not as hard as she makes it out to be. After watching Liz, I wish I could go back and do it again. This time, I wouldn't waste time trying to be someone I wasn't. I'd be myself, and I'd be proud of it.

It would have been nice to have Liz's strength and sense of self at 17...

If you've lost respect for me due to my enjoyment of an MTV show, so be it. I understand completely. But it you haven't watched My Life as Liz yet, get on it. It's on Monday nights at 9:30 pm central time. You're missing out!!!

And also... I think "effectivity" makes more sense as a word than "effectiveness." Random, I know. Did you expect anything else?


carol said...

i caught about five minutes one make me almost wish i had seen the whole episode. regardless...its good to know you can find some inspiration and entertainment in the life of a teenager.

Krystal Carlson-Portner said...

I saw the commericals for that but haven't seen it yet....So many shows I LOVE on Mondays. I will for sure have to AT LEAST DVR it if it's really as good as you say it is.... As for Bush being a good president...R U NUTS? Unless of course you are comparing him to Osama...I mean Obama then I totally agree with you. I thought Clinton was a GREAT president, I was really hoping Hillary would make the cut...Ok, before I start a political brawl. I better go! =] Btw, love reading your blogs! =]

Wicked Courtni said...

You crack me up.

Toni said...

Carol- I would definitely recommend the show, it's amazing. IMHO :)

Krystal- the thing about Bush was how bad it would be if I actually felt that way. It was the best comparison I could think of for my feelings about liking an MTV show :)

Courtni- Glad to return the favor!

TheBigShowAtUD said...

haha, "of hating MTV and everything it stands for, not to mention the lies within its name."

seriously. the "music" is not just background for the reality tv. it's sad.

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